Tue 07 Jan
💜💚💜💚╠╣0T! 💯Special 💜💚 ╠╣0T! 💯Special 💜💚╠╣0T! 💯Special 💜💚 ╠╣0T! 💯Special 💜💚╠╣0T! 💯 - 24
(Rockford, Rockford Belvedere Beloit Freeport)
.¸* ;*¸. SeXXy INDIAN~ N ~BLK.¸*.¸ ___________ * *¸ *SeXXy INDIAN~N~Blk!!! ¸.'´¯)) 786-359-1659 - 21
(Rockford, ~~~MY PLACE OR YOURS~~~)
Mon 06 Jan
Venezuelan VixXxen 💋💋 Its a BEAUTIFUL Day to SNEAK AWAY - 21
(Rockford, Rockford Area _Your Place _Tu Domicilio)
100 Specials★TOP OF THE LiNE ★ Sexy ★ BUSTy ★ Redhead★100% ME ★ CERTiFiED ★ STAMPED & APPROVED - - 24
(Rockford, rockrord & surrounding areas)
•-:¦:-•So ADoRABLE•-:¦:-• AMAZiNG SKiLLS•-:¦:-• VeRY ADDiCTiVE •-- - 22
(Rockford, & surrounding areas specials 24/7!!!!)
▃▃▃ 100% NEW NEW ASIAN▃▃ 💋 O⃣N⃣E⃣ ❤️ T⃣A⃣S⃣T⃣E⃣ ❤️ A⃣N⃣D⃣ ❤️ Y⃣O⃣U⃣'L⃣L⃣ ❤️ B⃣E⃣ ❤️ I⃣N⃣ ❤️ L⃣O⃣V⃣E⃣ ❤️ First time - 21
(Rockford, Rockford 815-668-9004 new girl)
80 special ★REAL ☆★GIRL☆ ★♥Ӝ ☆•_T H €_P € R F € C T_ •☆•_C H O i C €__________ - 23
(Rockford, rockford & surrounding areas in/outcall)
"""Exotic Beauty For All You Stress Relieves""" @-- - 21
(Rockford, Rockford,Il and surrounding areas)
Sun 05 Jan
VISITING ♥ o° — . SMOKING HOTT . — (( ✰ P E R F E C T ➓ ✰ )) — . BRUNETTE . — °o ♥ o° - - 20
(Rockford, rockford and surrounding areas)
(¯`' ♥ '´¯) Thrillin Thursday Don't Miss out (¯`' ♥ '´¯) A ☎ Away Lena - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
Sat 04 Jan
****You want to play with a Busty Blonde**** Booking Outcall Specials ****773-492-0781**** - 26
(****Rockford***I90****, Rockford)
Are you a Gorgeous Submissive Female seeking a Luxury Arrangement ? - 37
(Chicago, Decatur, Peoria, Rockford, IL / Wi area $2000 +bonuses)
**SEXY SWEDISH BLONDE FREAK(SPECIALS $80 quick $100 hlf) St.Charles Area - 26
(Northwest Suburbs, St Charles incall this weekend only)
Beautiful And Sexy Bi-Racial Bombshell (( 100% ALL GREAT RE VIEWS And Lots Of Them )) - 22
(Rockford, incall)
Fri 03 Jan
(¯`'• YOUR ★ *•-: SEXY ★ *•-: LITTLE ★ *•-: SECRET ★ *•- FUN★ *•- BLONDE • '´¯) - - 22
(Rockford, Rockford and surrounding areas)
SPECIALS °* »-(¯`v´¯)-» SiMpLy ☆ °°* »-(¯`v´¯)-» BrEaTh TaK inG ☆°°* AVAIL NOW!! - 27
Amazing **** Beautiful AND Exotic (( Companionship and Relaxation that You need )) ((Great Reviews))
RIP-OFF Cute Lil Perky Petite White Girl!!!!! $100 Special Last Nite IN Town - 20 - 20
(Rockford, Rockford Area)
♥▃▆██▅ SEDUCTIVE ♥AmaZiNg SkiLLs ♥REDHEAD ♥SexY & KInkY♥▃▆██▅▃♥ - 21
(Rockford, rockford & surrounding areas in/outcall)
SCARLET'S in ➡PERU⬅ 🔥Smokinnn' HOT REDHEAD🔥 (INCALL/OUT) 🔥815•579•4264 - 33
(Bloomington/Normal, La Salle County, LASALLE COUNTY (INCALL/OUTCALL), Rockford)
____ ★ █ E.va Valentine █★ V I P _____ V I P __ V I P _______ M O D E L - 25
(City of Chicago, ..Downtown/Loop..avail now!!!..call now!)
Thu 02 Jan
WOW!! LOOOK !! Very_-_ -_-_ Sexxy_-_- -- --__---__ Blonde_--_ --_ Beauty !!! Let"s Play $100 SPECIAL - 20
(Highway I 90 / Rockford)
(( The ReaL DeaL )) __ *A*__ N A U G H T Y __ {M A N S} __:T E M P T A T I O N: __ SpeciaLs!!! - 24
(rockford&surrounding; areas)