Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
xXx »*♥ ***° § _ K_ i_ L _ L _§ *° B Y O N D °*.M A S U R » `xXx - 21
Tired Of Fake Pics?? Google Me, I'm The Real Deal!!❤️🌟❤️ I'm Mixed, Blonde, & Beautiful!!🌟❤️🌟 - 21
(Chicago, Joliet, Northwest Suburbs)
Your Sexy Little Secret, and Nobody Needs to Know! - 19
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois, anywhere you want me!)
$100 INCALL SpEcIaL(M. I. L.F.) ! Treasure's Back!!!!!! for you entertainment 100% real pix - 22
Sat 04 Jan
♡ 100 Incall $pecial ♡ Add a little spice to your Thanksgiving & I'll be dessert. ☆ 210-788-3639 ☆ - 21
(Rockford, Rockford Incalls only!!!)
!!!!! sexy thick choclate sweety ready to show you the time of your life !!!!! - 23
(rockford and surrounding)
No deception with me - What you see is what you get! $80 *SPECIAL* 815-243-0263
(Rockford, IL***Near I-90)
🌴🔥 PlaYful BlOnde 🔥❤️❤️ SmoKinG HOT!!!! 🔥🌴 - 23
(Chicago, City of Chicago, Incall or Outcall, La Salle County, North Chicagoland, Northwest Indiana, Northwest Suburbs, Rockford, South Chicagoland, West Chicagoland)
Petite, Discreet, Independent Young Lady from Wisconsin - Feminism at its best - 23
(Rockford, OUTCALLS only)
•°o♥o°•☆CoME ExPLoRe My TaLEnTs☆•°o♥o°80 special - 23
(Rockford, rockford & surrounding areas in/outcall)
: °*•-:¦:-• ☆€SC@P€ to M¥ W0RLD & €NJ0¥ ☆SK¡LL€D and T@L€NT€D •* - 24
(Rockford, rockford.DeKalb,beloit,belvidere)
(¯`' ♥ '´¯)Don't Miss out on These Weekend Specials (¯`' ♥ '´¯) A ☎ Away Lena - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
Fri 03 Jan
WELL REVIEWED HannaFae~•~💋 UR~•~🐰 ExxOtic~•~Treat 🍒⬆⬆Highly💎 Reviewed~•~ 10 ✴STAR✴ Companion! - 24
(Rockford, rockford rockton Beloit)
♡ 100 Incall $pecial ♡ Bet I can make you sweat with some of my LATIN spice!!! ♡ 210-788-3639 - 21
(Rockford, Rockford Incalls only!!!)
Why settle for less when you can have the Best ?! Brand New Bubbly Blonde! Fine and Fierce! - 23
(Rockford, Your Place or Mine Rockford, IL)
80 INCALL SPECIALS!!!!! Sexy thick 24yo blonde for fun. - 23
(Rockford, bell school and colosseum dr.)
•*•*ExOtIc + MiX /CuBaN & BlacK•* •* ————•*BiG BooTy GiRL NeXT DooR aLL 4 U;)$pecials - 21
(Rockford, I-90 East Near Alpine Rd)
: ::*: ;.:* Cum And Get It Boys... Ill Be Waiting : ::*: ;.:* - 21
Thu 02 Jan
xxx*Labor Day Specials*xxx* Busty Cougar *xxx*Eager 2 Please & Highly Skilled*xxx - 40
(NW BURBS in &out; calls)
The Candy Licker is Now here 2 service U 815*505*9741 - 22
(Rockford, Roc,Freeport,dekalb,beloit & surrounding)