Sun 05 Jan
Female Owned And Operated - Make Between $1,200 and $1,400 Per Day Escorting - All Expenses Paid!!!
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois)
$100 OUCALL SpEcIaL(M. I. L.F.) ! Treasure's Back!!!!!! for you entertainment 100% real pix - 22
*❤*_ YOUR _ * _* LiTTLE _ *❤* _ SECRET _ °❤° - 25
(Rockford, Rockford and surrounding areas)
(( X T R A )) __ * N A U G H T Y * __ _(42DDD)_ *E B O N Y* __ V I X E N __ - - 25
:*: *STuNNiNg :*: *IndepenDeNt :*: *So SExY :*: running after the 4th specials details in ad - 28
(east state st)
*** Nikki ***YOU know what you WANT why Wait ???? *** 100% Real & Independent ***SORRY NO OUT CALLS - 26
🎀💕#1 Choice💕 Petite 🌸EBONY 🌸 Sp¡!nn3r 💕HARMONY 💕InCalls💯% ❗️💕Outcalls - 21
(Rockford, Rockford,dekalb, belvidere, Beloit,)
Amazing Personality & Guaranteed ! Regulars R Preferred♥ in call available discrete gentleman - 22
(Rockford, incall :-) available)
**sexy**sweet petite blonde treat back n ready - 37
(rkfd jv bel roch frpt and surr areas, Rockford)
SPECIAL *â¢-:¦:-â¢* ADDICTIONâ¢*¨¨*⢠U WILL -:¦:- NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME! - 23
(Rockford, Roscoe, Belvidere, Loves Park, Beloit)
NOTHINgS OfF LIMItS rARE EXotiC A real Freaky CuTIE *****CALL NoW - 22
(Rockford, rockford il surrounding area's)
PRETTY CALIFORNIA Beach Bunny... "Playboys Centerfold" Holiday Specials - 27
(Rockford, Rockford @ surrounding areas)
⚠️ ⚠️ Party N My Room⚠️⚠️Just U & ME n My SEXY Naked Body! = A HoT Damn gooD TiMe 🌟 🎸 ☆ 😷 - 22
(Rockford, East State St/ I-90 Incalls)
sexy* sweet* petite* blonde*treat im back amd ready - 37
(rkfd,bel,jv,lk gnva,cr lk,39/90surr area, Rockford)
█▀█▀█▄█▀█ ▬▬▬ Sensual ▬GYMNAST █▀▀█▬ Exotic ▬ ★ █▀▀█ ★ ▬▬ GODDESS▬▬▬▬▬ █▀█▄█▀ - 22
(Rockford, Rockford il)
.¸* ;*¸. SeXXy INDIAN~ N ~BLK.¸*.¸ ____ ____ *AVAILABLE NOW* __________ 786-359-1659 - 21
Rockford!!! Rockford!!!! Exotic Provider !!!! 80 Specials - 22
(Rockford, Rockford off i-90/ Incalls & outcalls)
sexy* sweet* petite* blonde*treat im back and ready - 37
(rkfd,bel,jv,lk gnva,cr lk,39/90surr area, Rockford)
****** Sexy Down to Earth open Minded H❤ttie. ....... - 22
(Rockford, rockford il surrounding area's)
!!!!!!!!!! ((( Sexy Fun And Wild )) Willing TO Try IT All ** Let's HAve A GOod Time $90 Special !! - 20
(Rockford, ((HIGHWAY I90/ROCKFORD)))
*** RoCKFoRD *** PReMiUm PLAYMaTE This Weekend Only ** IN & OUT *** 1 NiTe OnLY *** - 21
(Rockford, EIGHT15- 391- 0014)
🔥🔥🔥 S💨 M💨 O💨 K💨 I💨 N 🔥 HOT 🔥🎬 🔥WaTcH VIDEO ReAL🔥🎬 🔥R0CKF0RD🔥 - 29
★☆★☆★Every mans fantasy is your reality tonight☆★☆★☆ - 35
(Rockford, Rkfd-East state and 90/surrounding areas)
Sat 04 Jan
ZoEY~ *¨*:• : WiiLL LeAVe YOU SPeeCHLeSS •:*` aViLaBLe 24/7 - 25
(Rockford, Rockford,surrounding areas)
♛ U.P.S.C.A.L.E ♛ C.L.A.S.S.Y ♛ SPECIALS ! ♛ PERFECT 10!! - 21
(Rockford, Loves Park,Roscoe,Belvidere Freeport,I90)
**200 $$$$$ OuT C@Ll SPECIAL**last DAY in The WiNdy CitY!! iNc@lLZ !! - 23
(Northwest Suburbs, out callz only city n subz INc@LLZ)
Sexy things: Make QUICK CASH!
(Bloomington/Normal, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois, Los Angeles)
You don"t have to search any more!! I am what you want and so much more!! - 20
(schaumburg or close to you)
♡♡♡♡Transexual Sasha!!!! ♡♡♡♡Puerto Rican ♡♡♡ - 30
(Chicago, Lansing, south suburbs, hammond, Dolton)
⚤⫷⫷⫷⫷⫷⫷ 💘 § w € € Ʈ € ® ㋡ ╊hǟn ㋡ § k i ╊ ╊ £ € § 💘 ⫸⫸⫸⫸⫸⫸⚤ - 24
(Northwest Suburbs, ☑ INCALL-NO OUTS!)
Wanna play with Rockford's finest independent hottie? Call me Amber Rose (779)770-7023 - 35
Toe Curling Unique Girl..Don't keep me Waiting Gentlemen!!! - 24
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Decatur, La Salle County, Lover Girl, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois)
Your Dreams Become Reality Today
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois)
¤*¤ €£ The*¤ *Best¥ *¤*¤ Has Arrived New Intown*{*¤* Specials 80`100` til 1am limted Edition*¤*¤£~¥ - 22
(Rockford, rockford incalls only specials)
!!!!! sexy thick choclate sweety ready to show you the time of your life !!!!! - 23
(rockford and surrounding)
ready to give u passion, ecstacy, and pleasure - 19
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois, In your arms ;))