Sun 05 Jan
Pink Champaign Showgirls is Number 1 For Private Parties - 18
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Champaign-Urbana & 100-mi. radius, Chicago, City of Chicago, Decatur, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield)
Sat 04 Jan
★UNBEATABLE quick rate★♥eXoTic aSiaN iTaLiaN bLenD♥i sPoiL u wiTh uNdiVided aTTenTion♥ - 28
(Rockford, Surrounding areas*INCALL ONLY AFTER 8PM*)
5 star provider- Let me make you happy- Real Pics, New in town!
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois)
~*~something you will never forget~*~
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois, In your arms ;))
SAT.SPECIALS── ❥ I Am ♥ What ♥WaterFalls ≫─────────❥ ♥ NaughtyDreams♥ ≫─────────❥♥Are Made of ♥ ≫ - 36
(Rockford, OUT CALLS ,TRAVEL!)
(BLONDE )) *°♥°O_N _E __ i_N __ A__ M_i_L_ L_i_O_N °♥* (( BLONDE ) - 25
(Rockford, Rockford IL INCALL ONLY)
Fri 03 Jan
★ 【WHaT】 ★【DREaMS】★ 【ArE】 ★ 【MaDE】 ★ 【OF】★ NeW rEaDhEaD CuTie ★ 100 SPECIALS!!! - 20
start your weekend with this sexy beauty - 19
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois, In the city)
♥💯 REAL PICTURES!! ♥—H —I —G —H —L—Y —🔥—T—A —L —E—N —T—E—D ——♥—🔥—H —O—T —🔥&— R -E -A -D-Y♥ - 20
(Rockford, Northwest Suburbs~Mchenry county Areas!)