Fri 10 Jan
>>$60 >>$60 Spec. Forget The Rest You've Found The Best! Fulfilling Your Wildest Dreams - 41
(Rockford, Rockford and surrounding)
⭐💛🌙⭐💛🌙⭐AVAILABLE TOniGhT; Well*Reviewed; Pretty,little,& GORGEOUS ⭐🌙💛⭐🌙💛⭐ - 22
(Rockford, Rockford/nearby counties[out&incall; ok])
Beatiful Blonde and african american women eager andready to please - 23
(rockford and surrounding areas)
☞ L ⓞ ⓞ K ☞ TerRiFiC TuEsDaY SpEcIaLs ×X× Luscious Lena ×X× - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
:] Lets enjoy eachothers company!! Sweet Girl!! sexy latina! DONT MISS THE BEST!! - 25
(Rockford, rockford.. rochelle)
Im Back★ Super Freaky ★ Gorgeous & Kinky ★ SEXY & OPEN MINDED - 24
(Rockford, rockford east area)
Hey wats up im new at this and i want to have some fun and chill and relax - 19
(Rockford, 11th st rockford il.)
**I LOVVVVVE TO PLEASE.. Call now best on b.p Try Me 100% real pics - 33
(Rockford, rockford il surrounding area's)
Im Every Breast Lovers Fantasy With My Out This World38dds - 20 - 20
(rockford and surroundding ares)
im sooo FREAKY full of ENERGY.KINKY tenDeR Sweet erotic bomb shell amazing SKILLS - 22
*Dont Settle For Less ! * Better Than All the Rest ! * - 23
(Rockford, Your Place or Mine Rockford, IL)
***** come aNd EnJoY tHiS WoNderFuL HoTt DaY aT Niagra Falls***** - 21
Exotic Moist💦👅 Mexican Open Door Party Girl ☎️Hot & Ready Call Now - 21
(Rockford, Incall & outcalls😘)
I Want You Baby! COME PLAY! 100 SPECIAL! Around WhenEver You Want Me BAMBI! - 23
(Rockford, ROCKFORD IL)
My Place or Yours 🏡 💕Your Favorite 😍 so fun so sweet🍭 Available now 📞100% real pics 😋 - 22
Take Time To Unwind 🌀 Relax & Enjoy The Experience Of A Real Woman! 💋 1👀% No B.S. SHERRI ☎ Me - 46
(Rockford, Rockford , Winnebago co. And all around)
AMELIA BANKS the passionate personality companion SURROUNDING all rockford - 23
(belverder rockford freeport jansville al, Rockford)
👅FaLL🎊iN💞LoVe👯WiTh ℳγ 🍉Jμ¡©¥🍭gRiP⭐ MiNd💨BL¤₩¡NG👅LiPs &👣ToE 🎀cUrLiNg 💜TRiCKs - 26
(Rockford, State an alpine)
⬛⬛🔴⬛⬛🔴⬛⬛🔴⬛⬛🔴⬛⬛🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 GRAND OPENING 🔵🔵🔵 🔵🔵🔵 815-323-5189 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 - 25
(2184 N , State Street, Belvidere, IL 610, Rockford)
I missed you did you miss me 🍫Choose The Best🍫Freaky love - 22
(Rockford, Rockford il.ND travel request accepted)
New 🔥BeTTeR⚡️ 💦WeTTeR💦 💋ExOTiC🎀 😻FrEaKY n SwEEt👅 😘LeTs MeeT😍I love to come out to you - 25
(Rockford, Rockford il)
Thu 09 Jan
Samantha!!!! Independent!!! Seductive!!! Brunette!!! Bombshell!!! Available All Night!!! - 22
(Rockford, Rockford, Illinois)
PERFECT ➓ *♛ ºUPSCALE¸ ★ (¯`'.¸ ☆¸.'´¯) DREAMGIRL **KANDI** - 18
(Rockford, Rockford INCALL//OUTCALL)
No need to wait for your favorite gift... Come unwrap mine~> with unbeatable specials!! 7737129915 - 38
(Rockford, rockford and surrounding)
** L oVeY SeXy HoT dArKsKiN**( special $125hr outgoing all day don't miss out) - 22
(Rockford, ROCKFORD,IL)
CALL ME NOW BABY******hot latin independent ** magic hands !!! - - - 24
(rockford and surrounding areas)
ALANA Back Only TODAY!!! Worth A Try..... AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN (( GREAT REVIEWS )) - 21
Love What I do and So Will YOU! 100 SPECIAL! Around WhenEver You Want Me BAMBI! - 23
(Rockford, ROCKFORD IL)
N*E * W In ToWn!! SeXii MixEd && ReaLl BeaUty!! Spaces LimiTed!! - 21
(Rockford, east ROCKFORD / I LOVE TO KISS)
~ ** ~ IMPECCABLE REVIEWS .. Feb 9th-10th .. Upscale Sophisticated Blonde Companion ~ ** ~ - 38
(Rockford, Rockford, Illinois)