Wed 08 Jan
I have a thing for guys in dark dress socks - 22
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois, everywhere)
Tue 07 Jan
ღJazlyn is visiting next week! Great reviews! Pre-book with me now! Look & C my pics►
(Rockford, Wisconsin, Minnesota)
Bet I can make you stand at attention with my LATIN spice! ♡100 Incall $pecials♡ 210-717-1074 ♡ - 21
(Rockford, Rockford Incalls only!!!)
my loving touch will relax you
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois, anywhere you want me!)
HOT New SeXY Playmate☆ so BEAUTIFUL so FINE see for YOURSELF - 24
(Rockford, rockford east in/out calls)
Your Ultimate Dream Girl - 19
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois, In town)
one*in a million sexy redbone diva ready for you 60$hh and 100h special - 21
(Rockford, rockford-estate-90)
nEw ★•°o°•★ B€ÅUTiFUL ★•°o°•★ THICK ★•°o°•★ SNOWBUNNY ★•°o°•★ SPECIALS ★•°70$ NeW - 18
(Rockford, rockford & surrounding areas)
Seeking normal guy - 24
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois)
come see merissa upscale good girl at your service. /avail in freeport only - 29
(Rockford, freeport/ my place)
💋DaRe 2 GiVe N 2 Temptation,YoU dEsErVe 2 bE sAtIsFiEd♡*OUTCALLS ONLY - 24
(Rockford, rockford and surrounding areas)
Mon 06 Jan
💎*Time with me is memorable, you will never forget♡ *OUTCALLS ONLY** - 24
(Rockford, rockford and surrounding areas)
Your ★♥♥♥Pebbles★ has arrived! ◆♡Jaw Dropping Skills - 22
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois, OutCall)
THick is an Understatement txt FIRST!! Avail now.sexiest on bp..Real pixs!! Great Rates!! - 22
(Rockford, Incalls/ outcall)
♥100 INCALL $pecial♥ I'm your exotic LATINA genie, your wish is my command. ♥210-687-9104♥ - 21
(Rockford, Rockford Incalls only!!!)
°·○● 2 GiRL sPeCiAL AvAiLaBLe ●○·° {{ HiGhLy ReViEwEd }} ▪■□ LaSt ChAnCe TiL 1 pm □■▪ - 28
80$B◯RN ★➋☆ please FUNSIzE WiTH◯UT★ A☆Doubt❗★ SEXY☆ ★DAMN GOOD TIME$D◯NT 2girls★MiSS ☆◯Ut - 23
onlyl💋Đʀσρ Đ℮α∂ Gσʀɢ℮συδ💋】♡【💙ყσυηɢ δω℮℮Ե & ℮η℮ʀɢ℮Եɪc💙】♡ Avαiℓαbℓe➜ ⓝⓞⓦ (specials) - 21 - 21
★*'★★★♡♥♡♥ NOTHINGS OFF LIMITS RARE EXOTIC Great M/0u(th specials #❶ kinky freaky - 22
(Rockford, rockford surrounding area Incall*outCALL)
Open minded, Fetish Friendly with a Gorgeous Body
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
New in town have a sexy,exotic 75 special with Melody all day & night - 21
(Rockford, rockford area)
Sun 05 Jan
VISITING ♥ o° — . SMOKING HOTT . — (( ✰ P E R F E C T ➓ ✰ )) — . BRUNETTE . — °o ♥ o° - - 20
(Rockford, rockford and surrounding areas)
(¯`' ♥ '´¯) Thrillin Thursday Don't Miss out (¯`' ♥ '´¯) A ☎ Away Lena - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
MUST READ!!! If you are looking for an Escort Job AND WANT TO MAKE $6,000 per Week..MUST READ!!! - 69
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois)
Talented ** Blonde ** Sweet ** little ** Angel ** NEAR ** YOU!!!! - - 27
(Rockford, rockford,beloit,belvidere)
80$ Spinner} ♚♡♚ WHY GAMBLE ♚♡♚ WHEN I'M ♡♚ A SURE ♚♡♚♡ WIN ♚♡♚♡ { I KNOW YouLL love ME } - 23