Mon 27 Jan
My B-D * a * Y LeTs C * e * L * e * B * r * A * t * E - 21
(Rockford, rockford, beloit, freeport, sterling)
ms.pretty hot &tempting; daddii let me be your naughty wonder woman*** - 21
(Rockford, rockford-estate-90)
☆°° * MIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALL. ☆ WHO IS TH3 B3ST 0F TH3M ALL ? ☆ °°* - 21 - 21
(schaumburg,hoffman estates & surrounding)
Im Irresistible *** Blonde *** ImSexy*** Im Independent!!! - 35
(Rockford, - Janesville,all location between!!)
.:*¨¨* {IM} :* ☆ ¨*: {THE ONE} :*★¨*: {YOU}: *¨☆*: {WANT} *¨¨* - 25
(Rockford, Rockford IL)
•°♥°• iM baCk iN tOwN w/a75RoSe sPeCiaL u CanT MiSs!!! •°♥°• - 26
(Rockford, *100%ReaL*SERIOUS CALLERS ONLY*)
Sun 26 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
I * t * S M * y B-D * a * Y & LeTs C * e * L * e * B * r * A * t * E - 21
(Rockford, rockford, beloit, freeport, sterling)
Sat 11 Jan
ms.pretty hot &tempting; daddii come get me make me ur little slave 50hh/80h - 21
(Rockford, rockford-estate-90)
* ❤ B R E A T H T A K I N G ❤ * B R U N E T T E * ❤ - 21
= beautiful Asian girl # s—e—x—Y in Town=in & out —24/7 hotel or home=#### - 25
(Rockford, land mark rd normal il 61761)
MERISSA is Here! Let Me WarM Up Your Night !!! if your looking 4 heather her new number is in my ad - 23
* * ♥ ;•** ** Mz. Caramel Candi** **:•.♥ ;•:*¨*:• ♥ Thick ~n~ Juicy.. $pecials .. - 24
(Rockford, dekalb, sycamore, malta and cortland)
❤* ••••► LeT ME ★BE YouR ★SeXY SeCrET ¯`'•.¸ ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀-:¦:-I DO IT -:¦:- THE BEST▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ - 21
✿Ho Ho Ho Swing On In For Santas Satisfying Specials! ✿ * Warm Up With Christy!!* - 45
(Rockford Rochelle)
Hi I'm Alex I'm looking for the upscale gentleman My seduction Wil take Away from this Reality - 21
(Rockford, Rockford area)
★★Exotic H0tti3★★--Best In Town--★★Provides the best Service!!!★★ - 24
(City of Chicago, Chicago/ Des Plaines , IL)
====== BLONDE ====== SWEET ====== SATISFY ====== *** MERISSA *** ====== UNRUSH ====== GFE ======
Any fetishes you like to sure with me if so just call me @ 779-423-9255 it a be fun : ) - 24
(East State Street,)
!!!*Be my valentines sexy sweet strawberry ms.spice back in town boys!! - 20
(Rockford, Rockford il)