Wed 08 Jan
⚠️Slippery💦💦Tight😻A good girl💁With naughty & nasty 👅🍆🍆habits and skills!! - 26
(& Surrounding Areas Dekalb, Rockford)
I have a thing for guys in dark dress socks - 22
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois, everywhere)
Tue 07 Jan
Lets Start this new year off with a BANG!!! - 22
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, everywhere, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois)
★NeW In ToWn★BlondE Bombshell★ 3two08two8three4seven3 - 21
(City of Chicago, Downtown Chicago/INCALL ONLY)
B_L_O_N_D_E-- _S_U_P_E_R__ *H_O_T_T_I_E !* - _C_A_L_L_ * ___FOR_* T_H_E* B_E_S_T - 23
{ Any WAY u LIKE } --- iLL dO iT aLL --- { BLONDE } --- FeeLiNg LiKe haViNg sOme FuN - 20
Available 24/7 - 22
(Chicago, City of Chicago, Northwest Suburbs, Rockford, Rockford, Elgin, Crystal Lake, Woodstock)
my loving touch will relax you
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois, anywhere you want me!)
★ *.. ♥ ..* LABOR DAY WEEKEND SPECIAL*. GFE **100% ReaL** (UpDaTeD PicS ) - 37
Sweetheart with an Edge that is Sexy and Delightfully Uninhibited!
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois, anywhere you want me!)
◆♥◆♥◆♥◆♥◆♥SpOiL YoUrSeLf WiTh ThE BeSt!♥◆♥◆♥◆♥◆♥◆ - 20
(Rockford, northwest suburbs~mchenry county areas!☆)
Attention Belvidere, Rochelle, Dekalb, Sycamore.and surrounding area...Friday night for you. - 39
(Rockford, Rockford and surrounding area)
== S_E_X_Y ==== °❤° ==== Brunette ==== °❤° ==== T_R_E_A_T ==° - 21
Sexy College Girl, Polite and Discreet - 19
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois, In the city)
Seeking normal guy - 24
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois)
Mon 06 Jan
💎*Time with me is memorable, you will never forget♡ *OUTCALLS ONLY** - 24
(Rockford, rockford and surrounding areas)
»»»¦««« WisConSin Girlz are BOOring!!! ChiTown's FINEST Has ArriVed!!! «««¦»»» 80spclz♥♥♥♥ - 22
♥100 INCALL $pecial♥ I'm your exotic LATINA genie, your wish is my command. ♥210-687-9104♥ - 21
(Rockford, Rockford Incalls only!!!)
°·○● 2 GiRL sPeCiAL AvAiLaBLe ●○·° {{ HiGhLy ReViEwEd }} ▪■□ LaSt ChAnCe TiL 1 pm □■▪ - 28
80$B◯RN ★➋☆ please FUNSIzE WiTH◯UT★ A☆Doubt❗★ SEXY☆ ★DAMN GOOD TIME$D◯NT 2girls★MiSS ☆◯Ut - 23
Sexy, Exotic Sicilian Colombian Mix Visiting for a Few Days 815.348.5363 - 25
(Rockford, Rockford & Surrounding Areas)
SEXY YOUNG TENDER BomB ShEll Great♥ Mouth Skills full of energy♥I'm so Freaky open minded - 22
Sun 05 Jan
~ All Expenses Paid - Professional Management - Guaranteed Safety - $1,500 Per Day!!! ~
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois)
MUST READ!!! If you are looking for an Escort Job AND WANT TO MAKE $6,000 per Week..MUST READ!!! - 69
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois)
xXx »*♥ ***° § _ K_ i_ L _ L _§ *° B Y O N D °*.M A S U R » `xXx - 21
80$ Spinner} ♚♡♚ WHY GAMBLE ♚♡♚ WHEN I'M ♡♚ A SURE ♚♡♚♡ WIN ♚♡♚♡ { I KNOW YouLL love ME } - 23
Sat 04 Jan
ZoEY~ *¨*:• : WiiLL LeAVe YOU SPeeCHLeSS •:*` aViLaBLe 24/7 - 25
(Rockford, Rockford,surrounding areas)
**200 $$$$$ OuT C@Ll SPECIAL**last DAY in The WiNdy CitY!! iNc@lLZ !! - 23
(Northwest Suburbs, out callz only city n subz INc@LLZ)
***Your Asian N Ebony Cutie Awaits*** @@@ Specials*** Specials @@@ - 21
(Rockford, Rockford/Sur. Area/Incalls/Outcalls)
🍀 ReD 🍀 IRiSh 🍀 PepperMinT 🍀 KinKy 🍀 PinK KanDy 🎾🍀🎾🍀 Mia 470-767-4240 🍀 🍀 - 19
(Rockford, Rockford,Dekalb, Janesville,Madison)