Fri 03 Jan
NEW Pics!!! Sweet and Sexy!!!! The Perfect Combo!! All Day/Night Specials!!! - 21
(Rockford, Sterling/RockFalls, In/Out)
* ~ * ~ NeW HoTt and rEaDy B * B * W * ~ * ~ S * P * E * C * I * A * L * ~ * ~ - 26
(here and there)
Seasons Greetings! Ms. Sasha under your tree today!!!!! Specials rates to Out of Town Travelers! - 25
(Rockford, Rockford, Harvard, Loves Park)
Rockford *** PROfeSSionaL * PLeaSuRE * PLeaSER ** AT YouR CoMMaND !!! - 24
(Rockford, Rockford/ SURROUNDING AREA)
•*•*ExOtIc + MiX /CuBaN & BlacK•* •* ————•*BiG BooTy GiRL NeXT DooR aLL 4 U;)$pecials - 21
(Rockford, I-90 East Near Alpine Rd)
Thu 02 Jan