Mon 27 Jan
Well reviewed, sexy, punctual, intelligent, fun, discreet, Amanda Rae!!! - 40
(Rockford, Rockford, O'Hare and N, W and NW burbs)
*_*_* T H E »- (¯`❈´¯) -» T O T A L »- (¯`❈´¯) -» P A C K A G E * * * $120 HH special - 23
(Rockford, Book your appointment today leaving weds)
Still Not Understanding Bitcoins Ads Still Dissappearing Escorts Click Here - 21
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, City of Chicago, Decatur, Escorts Read This, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, North Chicagoland, Northwest Indiana, Northwest Suburbs, Peoria, Rockford, Sout)
(Rockford, rockford & surrounding areas)
Visiting From Miami Beach - Erotic Sensuality For Gentlemen Over 40 - Verified Reviews - 34
(Chicago, City of Chicago, Naperville / Warrenville)
Visiting ❀ 100% Me, Sexy, Sweet & Your New Favorite! ❤ 815-988-0024 ❀ - 25
(Rockford, Rockford ** iN/OuT)
(( ★SiMPLy AMAZiNG* ★)) __*JuiCy bOOtY*__ (( ★HiGHLy ADDiCTiVe ★)) - 26
(Rockford, rockford and surrounding)
Sweet and tender you will not regret seeing me
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois, hotel room)
SIt Back an watch what i do with my MOUTH that will make you screaM!! IM SO. freaky..kinky. .hottie - 21
*~*~*~*~* Sexy BLoNdE BoMbShELL HaVe An UnFoRgEtAbLe ExPeRiAnCe WiTh ThIs CuTiE* ~*~*~*~* - 23
(nw suburbs)
Seductive Brunette Bombshell Super Incall Specials In Rockford Tonight (779-537-4816) - 20
(Rockford, Rockford********** I 90)
🔥🔥🔥 S🔥U🔥P🔥E🔥R💔H🔥O🔥T 💔 L🔥I🔥K🔥E 💔 F🔥I🔥R🔥E🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (☏now) 100% me - - 20
(Rockford, surrounding of Rockford /beloit)
Sexy wild Red looking 2 having fun new 2 da game click here I'll be more then just a tease! - 21
(Rockford, Rockford illinois)
🌋MELT IN MY HANDS!!! Our encounter will leave YOU wanting MORE. Xxxrated Fun - 23
(Rockford, Rockford lovespark Belvedere)
Sun 12 Jan
(¯`'• ..I KNOW ★ *•-: JUST ★ *•-: WHAT ★ *•-: YOU ★ *•- :NEED..• '´¯) - - 19
(Rockford, surrounding areas)
★ ★ *~*-:¦:-*~B € ¥ Õ N Ð ~*-:¦:-*~ ¥ Õ U ® ~*-:¦:-*~ W ¡ L Ð € § T ~*-:¦:-*~ Ð ® € Â M § ~*-:★ ★~*¦ - 25
It's only going to get hotter from here 💋 - 28
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, everywhere, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois)
Ever Wonder if that Totally Hot Babe is a Shemale? >> - 19
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois)
Sat 11 Jan
💕____________ BOYS PLAY __★___ WITH TOYS __★____________ MEN PLAY __★___ WITH ME __ ★__________🚫 - 25
(Rockford, Rockford and surrounding areas)
Introducing Shelly with Sunshine Specials all day!! Travelers welcomed!! - 25
(Rockford, Rockford, Harvard, Loves Park)
marissa is avail in freeport/ discounts for regulars/ unrushed and always satisfying:) - 29
Fri 10 Jan
merissa is available come see this petite hottie/ no regrets/ im avail for rockford - 29
(Rockford, FREEPORT/ rockford/ lets have fun)
M_O_R_E --- M_O_R_E -- M_O_R_E - - - M_O_R_E --- M_O_R_E --- M_O_R_E --- M_O_R_E --- M_O_R_E - 25
(visiting rockford)
NEW Number 1:50pm on 5/1!!! Sexy Asain Girl and 2 girl specials Unforgettable Sexy Roxy. - 24
(Rockford, rockford boone ogle winnebago or 50 mile)
***ALL neW 2 The AreA*** VIsItInG 1Day only**DoNt MiSs OuT** 2 girls 150 your choice 60-80-100 til 7 - 20
(Rockford, East incall specials$$$)
T_R_ Y__❤__ ME __❤___ I_'M___❤ ___ T_H_E __❤__ B _ E_ S_ T - 25
(Rockford, Rockford IL and surrounding Areas)
Let Me Take You Somewhere You've Never Been Before
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois, hotel room)
• 🎀Meranda 🎀 • 🍾Upscale Redhead Beauty💎•🔥The Ultimate Girl Next Door🔥 - 24
(Rockford, Rockford and surrounding areas)
Thu 09 Jan
No need to wait for your favorite gift... Come unwrap mine~> with unbeatable specials!! 7737129915 - 38
(Rockford, rockford and surrounding)
♥ BAnGiN (((OuTCaLL SPECIALS))) All week LoNG !!! ~ o'**Sweet AS CAN B.....
(Rockford I-90 & E.state)
(¯`'• 2DAY ★ *•-: ONLY ★ *•-: 100$ ★ *•-: SPECIALS ★ *•- FUN★ *•- BLONDE • '´¯) - - 22
(Rockford, Rockford and surrounding areas)
☆::: New Bad Girl In The Area And Looking To Have Some Fun!!! :::☆ - 18
(Rockford, Rockford/ In+ Outcalls (E. State))